Close up of property plat.

About the Owners

Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) is the largest of the 16 village corporations in the Bering Straits region and headquartered in Nome, Alaska. SNC was incorporated in 1972 as a for-profit corporation and now has more than 2,400 native shareholders.

Alaska village corporations were created by the U.S. Congress in 1971 under the provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), and recognized as a disadvantaged minority owned entity.

SNC is led by an 11-member Board of Directors whose mission is to protect its land, culture while creating economic, career and educational opportunity for its shareholders. SNC has invested in several for-profit businesses in various industries including Financial Services, Energy, Manufacturing, Health Care Solutions, Construction and Real Estate. SNC employs more than 1,500 individuals, from Alaska, the Lower 48 and Puerto Rico.

For more information on SNC or career opportunities at Fidelity Title Agency of Alaska, LLC or Mat-Su Title Agency, LLC, please visit